My depth of field photos were taken in the library during an average Portland day. The deep depth of field was taken at a F/stop of 5.6 to get the background a but blurred where as the shallow depth of field photo was taken at a F/stop of 22 to to the background clear and the subject in front was a but blurry. My shutter speed photos were taken at Multnomah Falls over the weekend. The slow shutter speed photo was a hard to take since the path was very narrow and I needed to take a tripod to take the photo. In the end I managed to take it with the shutter speed at 1.6s. The fast shutter speed photo was easier to take since we didn't have to wait 1.6 seconds for the photo to be taken. Instead it was taken at the speed of 1/800s.
This photo was taken during my trip to Multnomah Falls and was difficult taking since it ended up raining soon after. In the first edit, I turned up the brightness and contrast to make it a bit easier to see. In the second edit, I turned up the saturation and exposure to make the mossy rocks on the side pop out more. In the last edit, I desaturated the photo to make it look more gloomy.
This photo was also taken during my trip to Multnomah Falls and was kind of scary for me to take since I had to lean over a bridge to get the shot of the little heart. In the end I asked a friend to take it for me since I was scared I would end up falling off. In the first edit, I changed the color tint to make it look like it was a sunny day. In the second edit, I changed the color tint again to make it look like it was a lot colder than it really was. In the last edit, I turned up the contrast a bit to make it look like it wasn't super warm or gloomy.
This photo was taken on a bridge in downtown (forgot which one). It was a a really nice day out and I had just finished listening to a presentation at Doernbecher's Children Hospital. In the first edit, I lowered the brightness to make the sky look more ominous and gloomy. In the second edit, I turned up the brightness and saturation to give the sky that clear look. In the last edit, I had a higher exposer to make it look like there was something happening in the really bright part in the background.
This photo was taken in Walmart after watching the movie Hidden Figures. We decided to go to Walmart just to walk around and talk. In the first edit, I lowered the brightness and contrast to make Lisa look like she was up to something no good behind Kenny's back. In the second edit, I desaturized the photo and made it as if something bad was happening in the near future because of something Lisa did. In the last edit, I changed the color balance to make it look like as if Lisa was about to confess to Kenny about her love for Kenny but she's shy.
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